International Tax

Cross-border Transaction
Withholding Tax and Issue of Form 15CA/CB
Ex-patriate returns
Claim of Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)
Global Org structuring

International Tax

Services related to international tax encompass a range of specialized offerings aimed at assisting individuals, businesses, and organizations in managing their tax obligations and optimizing their international tax positions. Here are some key aspects and services related to international tax:

  • Cross-border Transaction
  • Withholding Tax and Issue of Form 15CA/CB
  • Ex-patriate returns
  • Claim of Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)
  • Global Org structuring

Cross-border Transaction

We assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in understanding and managing the tax implications associated with conducting transactions across international borders. Here are some key services in this area:

  • Tax compliance and due diligence
  • Tax planning and transfer pricing
  • Withholding tax analysis
  • Impact of VAT/GST
  • Dispute resolution

Withholding Tax and Issue of Form 15CA/CB

It involves assisting individuals, businesses, and organizations in complying with the requirements and regulations associated with withholding tax requirement in respect of cross-border payments. Here are some key services in this area:

  • Withholding tax analysis
  • Analysis of DTAA
  • Tax compliance and reporting
  • Form 15CA/CB Preparation and Submission
  • Analysis of taxation in the foreign destination
  • Documentation and recordkeeping

Ex-patriate returns

Ex-patriate returns refer to the tax returns filed by individuals who are working or residing outside their home country, often referred to as expatriates or expats. Our services include:

  • Analysis of word-wide income and its reporting
  • Tax residence determination
  • Foreign tax credit and exclusions analysis
  • Reporting foreign assets and accounts
  • DTAA consideration
  • Compliance with foreign country tax laws

Claim of Foreign Tax Credit (FTC)

We assist clients in optimizing their tax positions by properly claiming foreign tax credits, minimizing double taxation, and ensuring compliance with tax laws. Our services include:

  • Foreign Tax Credit calculation
  • Eligibility assessment
  • Tax Treaty analysis
  • Compliance with foreign and domestic tax laws
  • Optimization strategies

Global Org structuring

Services related to global organizational structuring involve assisting multinational companies and organizations in designing and implementing efficient and effective structures that align with their global business objectives. The aim is to achieve various strategic objectives, including tax efficiency, legal compliance, operational effectiveness, and risk management. Key aspects of these services include:

  • Entity Selection and Formation
  • Legal and regulatory compliances
  • Tax optimization
  • Analysis of cross-border transactions and contracts
  • Repatriation of profits
  • Compliance with International Standards